Tag Archive over the counter bravecto

over the counter bravecto

How To Give Bravecto To Your Dog Safely And Effectively Over The Counter

Steps You Can Take To Rid Your Dog Of Fleas

Fleas are one of the worst pests for pets because when they bite, they can cause rashes. This can cause your pet’s skin to become very itchy, which makes them scratch all the time. At the end of the day, all that scratching can make cuts worse and make you sick.

Before this happens, kill fleas and ticks quickly on your pets by giving them pills or putting something on their skin. These kinds of drugs include fluralaner (Bravecto) and fipronil (Frontline). Frontline is put on the skin, but over the counter bravecto comes in chewable pills.

Even though both are safe for dogs, a study showed that Bravecto can kill up to 99.9% of fleas. At the end of the study, it was found that Frontline killed fleas 97.3% of the time.

These are some ways to get rid of fleas on your dog, no matter what. But you should first call the vet before giving them to the animal. Ask them which one they think your pet would like the most.

Give Your Pets A Bath Often

Apple cider vinegar in your pet’s bath water is a more natural way to get rid of fleas. Even though this won’t kill fleas, it will make them less interested in your pets. It doesn’t smell or taste good to fleas.

It’s important to bathe your pets the old-fashioned way on a daily basis. These bugs can be killed by anything that makes foam.

Use A Comb For Fleas

Flea combs have small teeth that can help you catch fleas and their eggs. Also, their close teeth can help get rid of dirt and other things stuck in your pet’s fur.

Make sure your pet’s fur is dry before you use a flea comb on it. You might also find it easier to get knots out of your hair if you first use a normal comb.

Fill a deep bucket with hot, clean water before you brush your dog or cat. You will use this to clean the comb and kill any fleas or flea eggs that get stuck in its teeth.

Start with the head, then move to the neck, shoulders, back, and tail. Then brush your pet’s chest, sides, and stomach. Fleas like to hide under the chin, so pay more attention there.

Don’t forget to brush your dog or cat’s legs and paws. Also, look between the claws, where fleas and ticks might be hiding. If you brush your pet a second time, you’ll get the best results.

You Should Wash Clothes, Sheets, And Other Fabrics In Hot Water

Wash everything that can go in the washer, but especially things your pets use. Some of these things are their clothes, beds, blankets, toys, and pillows. If they sleep on your bed, wash your own blankets, sheets, pillows, and covers.

Even if your pets don’t seem to sleep on them, you should wash your rugs if you want to get rid of fleas in your house.

You should also dry these for about 20 minutes in front of a hot fan. Fleas and their eggs die when the temperature goes above 95°F.

Clean Up Your House Well

Fleas can also hide in holes or cracks in your floors, furniture, and other things. Since these bugs like dark places, they could also be living in the corners of your walls.

Use a strong vacuum cleaner to get rid of these bugs and their eggs, larvae, and pupae. Throw away the vacuum bag every time you clean. Flea eggs can hatch when your vacuum makes noise.

To get rid of bugs and their eggs, mop your floors with warm water. Make sure that the solution you use on your wooden floors won’t hurt, warp, or fade them.

If the cushions or pillows on your couch can be taken off, check to see if they can be washed in a machine. Then, clean the seats, paying extra attention to the sides and ends. Fleas and their young can hide in these places.

To Get Rid Of Fleas And Ticks, You Can Hire A Company To Help You

Fleas can have babies so quickly that it can be hard to get rid of a lot of them. Even though the above tips can help you get rid of them, they take time to work.

Hiring someone who knows how to get rid of fleas and ticks is the fastest way to get rid of them. These experts will make a treatment plan for you based on how many fleas you have. The fleas won’t come back once you know how to get rid of them.

Flea Medicine Should Be Given To Your Pets

Put a flea collar on your pet after giving it Bravecto or Frontline to kill fleas. This will make it less likely that your pet will get fleas again. The Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar is one choice. A study found that this collar cut the number of fleas by 95% and the number of ticks by 90% for up to eight months.

Also, the vets who did the study said that both cats and dogs could use it safely. They didn’t notice much about the rehab area.

The study found that this flea collar is a “sustainable long-term preventative.” It gets rid of fleas and ticks and keeps them from coming back.

If you make your dogs less appealing to fleas, you won’t have to worry as much about fleas jumping on their fur. This can help keep the bugs from coming back into your home.

Do a full check before letting your dogs back into the house after a walk. Even more so if they played near trees or grass.